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Lead Contamination in Your Drinking Water

close up of sink faucet dripping water into a glass of water, E. coli testing, Test Water for Lead

Do You Have Lead Contamination in Your Drinking Water?

Did you know, millions of houses throughout the United States still have lead piping systems? This proves problematic, as these systems leave families open to a higher chance of lead contamination through their own water supply. Water contamination is a difficult problem to recognize due to lacking clear signs such as a discoloration of the water or a different taste. We wanted to highlight some of the health risks associated with lead poisoning and why water testing is important!


As we mentioned, lead contamination is hard to spot and may go unnoticed until health issues start appearing. Some of these issues can range from mild to severe, so it’s important to have your water tested. For children, lead contamination can affect them much faster due to childhood development. Some of the symptoms you may see in children include learning difficulties, vomiting, hearing loss, or the formation of an eating disorder such as pica. For adults, symptoms can include high blood pressure, memory issues, mood fluctuations, or pregnancy issues such as trouble conceiving. Due to the range of potential problems, we recommend you talk to a professional who can help identify the possibility of lead contamination within your home.

Why Lead Testing Is Important

Since lead poisoning is usually induced over months or years, you can identify home contamination before it causes issues. Due to regulation changes and new safety acts, some newer models require lead-free piping systems, but even some homes built within the early 2010s may still have lead-related problems! Water testing services help identify a variety of contaminants that may be in your water, no matter where you live. From well water to inner city areas, lead contamination is a problem that any homeowner can face. With professional lead inspectors and workers on our team, we collect and review material at an accredited laboratory.

If you’re interested, don’t hesitate to contact us by phone, email, or through our website! We’d be more than happy to help you solve your lead problem and ensure a safe home environment for your family. Other services we provide include professional training, environmental consulting, and more. If you’re interested in learning more details about lead contamination, check out some of our previous blogs.

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