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Do you need to take a OSHA 10-hour or 30-hour training class?

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Do you require safety training within the general industry or construction field? Luckily for you, we provide OSHA 10-hour and 30-hour courses at our training facility near Reading, PA. We have authorized OSHA trainers on standby who are ready to go! Today, we wanted to highlight what the 10-hour courses cover and why they’re crucial to take.

The 10-hour courses offer an overview of the basics and any need-to-know information of the field. This is targeted towards individuals who are new to the workforce. When signing up for a class, a 10-hour course will take up to two days to complete, with the maximum teaching time allocated per day being seven and a half hours. Before signing up, it’s important to note that we offer two variations of 10-hour courses. The first option targets general industry training, while the next option targets construction training.

The basic layout of these courses will include six hours of mandatory topics that all individuals should learn, two hours of elective topics, and two hours of optional topics. The optional topics may consist of furthering your knowledge on previous mandatory and elective topics, or on company specific training. These topics will pinpoint crucial details to give you a proper step into the workplace. Not only will you be able to protect yourself, you’ll also be able to identify other hazards to protect your coworkers as well.

Many of the topics found within our 10-hour courses are essential for a safe and efficient operation. This includes electrical safety, hazard communication, fire prevention, fall protection, and much more. There is no lack of information when it comes to safety! For some locations within the United States, these courses are enforced by the law, such as The Philadelphia Building Construction and Occupancy Code. With professional training, wouldn’t you have more peace of mind on and off the job?

To learn more about our 10-hour OSHA courses, visit our training page. If you’re an experienced worker looking to become a supervisor or manager, we suggest checking out our 30-hour courses instead. For more information, visit our contact page and don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

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