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What You Need To Know About Asbestos

Danger Asbestos yellow warning tape close up

Over time, asbestos usage has decreased throughout the industry, due to the wide range of health hazards it could pose for an individual. Although usage has decreased, you may still find asbestos material in parts of older homes and properties spread around the country. In older properties where someone is renovating, demolishing, or going through construction, asbestos testing is required to ensure minimized exposure to the individuals involved.

The same can also be said for your home, where asbestos may be lurking. Since the fibers cannot be seen by the naked eye, the process can be tricky and complicated. If you are considering testing your home for asbestos, you can either tackle the task by yourself or you can give us a call to ensure the testing is done properly. Keep in mind, if you do choose to do the testing yourself, there are some rules you need to follow to keep yourself and others close by safe.

Some of these rules include:

  • Wear disposable protective clothing
  • Use amended water to mist surfaces (add a little soap to the water)
  • Always test the material first prior to impact
  • Notify anyone nearby of your actions
  • Shut off anything that could spread fibers into the air
  • Move slowly so you do not stir fiber
  • After taking the sample, send the sample to an approved EPA accredited laboratory

Asbestos sampling is a task that must be performed cautiously to ensure that the materials impacted do not become air-borne and end up being breathed into your lungs. Some of the materials where you may find asbestos includes floor tiles, linoleum wall plaster, automobile parts, construction materials, and even more! One thing to remember is that you should always test the material that is being impacted for asbestos concentrations. After getting the sample and sealing it in a zip lock plastic bag, it should be sent off to an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certified laboratory.

If you do not think asbestos is that dangerous, some health hazards and symptoms could include:

  • Chest Pain
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Unexpected Weight Loss
  • Development of Lung Cancer (mesothelioma and more)
  • Asbestosis (inflammation and scarring of the lungs)

If you are unsure of whether home testing is safe for you, we recommend you avoid the risk and contact professionals. Here at Karl Environmental, we provide several asbestos services and have over 30 years of experience. Contact us so we can speak with you and provide asbestos consultation!