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Watch Out for Certain Chocolates This Valentine’s Day

small stack of dark chocolate chunks covered in chocolate shavings on a dark background

Are you a fan of dark chocolate? For many individuals, dark chocolate is a better choice when compared to other products on the market. However, new details from Consumer Reports indicates that popular dark chocolate brands contain two heavy metals unsafe for consumption. We’ll identify what these metals are, the potential health hazards, and what brands are currently in the spotlight.

Heavy Metals Found in Dark Chocolate

The two heavy metals which we’ll discuss focus on cadmium and lead. Cadmium is a chemical element that has a soft texture, with a blue and white tint. On the other hand, lead is a more dense material that ranges from gray to blue. Both of these metals can be found in organizations that deal with manufacturing or construction. Unfortunately, with enough exposure, they can induce dangerous health hazards for a person of any age.

Health Hazards

The higher the amount of exposure, the more dangerous the issues can become. For pregnant women and children, smaller amounts can be more lethal. Long-term exposure can result in a lack of brain development, kidney damage, a weaker immune system, and much more. Since both of these heavy metals can be discovered in other foods that might be part of your daily diet, such as carrots, it’s crucial to limit or choose a new brand for dark chocolate consumption.

Brands to Avoid

With no federal limit for the amount of lead and cadmium in foods, Consumer Reports tested 28 dark chocolate bars with regards to the maximum allowable dose levels based in California.

For chocolate bars labeled high in cadmium, brands on the list included Dove, Lindt, and Beyond Good. Regarding high levels of lead, it was found that Hershey’s, Trader Joe’s, and Godiva were some of the most popular brands with exceeding levels of usage. There were even some brands with exceeding amounts in both categories, such as Theo, Trader Joe’s, Lily’s, and Green & Black’s. It’s disappointing to see some of our favorite brands making their way onto this list. Although, this isn’t the end of the world! Consumer Reports identified much safer alternatives you may not have heard about before, like Mast, Ghirardelli, and Taza Chocolate. Check your cabinets to see what brands make up your shelves!

It’s unlikely that these metals will be eliminated from dark chocolate production sooner, rather than later. It’s difficult to ensure cacao beans are contaminant-free during production, since they accumulate metals from the start of the harvesting process, through transportation, and once they’re prepared for cleaning. This leaves the responsibility up to you to avoid excessive consumption and choosing brands safer for your family.

Updated Consumer Report research studied various other chocolate-related products that included more dark chocolate bar producing brands than previously. Similar results were found where many products included notable amounts of lead and cadmium, while some brands included safer quantities. Read the article for more details on these brands.

To find out more information about heavy-metal exposure, especially lead, be sure to check out previous blogs! To learn more about what we offer, you can visit our services page. When you’re ready, you can get a hold of us through our contact page, by phone, email, or form.

(Updated January 2024)

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