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Training Through Karl Environmental Group

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Training is crucial for creating strong employees and ensuring safety within all aspects of the job. Here at Karl Environmental, we offer a variety of training services for whatever needs you’re looking for. We wanted to give a brief overview of some of our most popular training courses and other opportunities.


This 8-hour annual refresher is for individuals needing to refresh their original certification. This is a general overview course which covers many topics, including site control, decontamination, and medical surveillance, to name a few.

EPA Lead Renovator (RRP)

Lead-safe certification is crucial for firms who handle lead-based materials or problems. With the RRP courses we offer, they are viable for initial lead renovator or refresher lead renovator certifications. There are dozens of firms that come in contact with lead-based materials, but some common trades are plumbers, maintenance staff, and general contractors.

OSHA 10 & 30-Hour Courses

These classes focus on general industry and construction training to help identify hazards in the workplace and encourage proper safety measures. The 10-hour courses are basic gists which provide a great resource for new workers. The 30-hour courses are for specific positions, such as foremen and supervisors, who have higher responsibilities. They include a variety of topics ranging from electrical safety to hazard communication and more.

First Aid & CPR

First Aid & CPR training can help any individual learn how to save a life or reduce injury. A variety of incidents will be covered, from heart attacks to strokes. Booking a course with us can allow you to potentially save a family member, friend, or stranger. Any certifications acquired are valid for up to 2 years.

Other Classes

We offer other training classes that may not have been mentioned. Whether you’re looking for confined space training to forklift safety, contact us to discuss other offerings and available dates! Don’t hesitate to review our training page and check out estimated prices.

If you need help with other problems, our services page covers all aspects that we handle. Our blog also focuses on some problems you might run into or other topics you should be aware of.

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