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Testing Your Water for E.coli and Lead

close up of sink faucet dripping water into a glass of water, E. coli testing, Test Water for Lead

There are various substances and contaminants that can be found in your local water source. Some of these contaminants can induce harmful effects and symptoms that might be hard to spot. But, testing your water on a yearly basis is the best way to identify problems before they get worse. We’ll cover some basics of water testing and common dangers to watch out for.

Contamination Sources

With water testing, we can identify dozens of contaminants that might be lurking in your water source. This can include lead, E. coli, pesticides, and much more. Many of these substances can originate from landfill seepage, underground storage tanks, and urban runoff, just to name a few. Some problems can be identified with a change in water coloration, taste, or smell, but some issues won’t give you any warning. That’s why water testing can allow us to conduct a thorough analysis with the water samplings we collect.

Lead contamination is a major problem throughout the United States, induced by lead-based paint, old piping systems, and other sources. Our water testing procedure contains multiple elements, such as a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) and a Sampling Plan. These procedures help us conduct a proper analysis without missing crucial steps. To learn more about our water testing service, you can check out our services page.

The Dangers of E. Coli

More so, E. coli is another common problem that homeowners should be aware of. Some victims of E. coli infection can develop serious medical complications, so it’s important to prevent the problem altogether. Ordinary symptoms of E. coli can include diarrhea, stomach aches, and vomiting. E. coli often enters your water source through construction or feces contamination, but you can minimize the risk of E. coli. Boiling water and certain types of filters works in temporary cases until testing is conducted.

This only covered a small portion of what our water testing services can offer. If you’re dealing with a water issue, head to our contact page with any questions or inquiries. You can get in touch with us by phone, email, or filling out the form on our website. We handle water testing, site assessment, consulting services, and more for you to take advantage of. We’ll be looking forward to hearing from you!

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