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Environmental Site Assessments

Karl Environmental Group’s team of Geologists and Environmental Professionals have years of experience performing Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments, Subsurface Investigations, Vapor Migration Studies, and Soil and Groundwater sampling.

What are Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments?

building-site-2-1455857-640x480A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment is the industry standard for evaluating the environmental liability associated with a real estate asset. Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) are performed in accordance with the latest federal standards (ASTM E1527-13) to identify environmental conditions at a property. Our due diligence services include a thorough on-site inspection of the property. Additionally, we conduct a comprehensive study of local, county, and state government records, environmental liens, activity & use limitations, historical aerial photographs, topographic maps, Sanborn fire insurance maps, and interviews of person(s) with direct knowledge of the property.

Following completion of the environmental investigation, Karl Environmental Group provides our clients with a comprehensive written report including all reviewed documents, photographs, maps, and interviewed statements. A summary of any Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs), de-minis conditions, and recommendations for further actions will be provided.

GeoprobeUpon identification of adverse environmental conditions, a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment may be recommended to assess actual subsurface conditions through the collection and analysis of confirmation soil and/or groundwater samples. Using nationally accredited laboratories, samples are analyzed and the results compared to regulatory standards for contaminants of concern. If environmental conditions are identified, Karl Environmental Group can provide oversight and guidance for the remediation of a property.

What makes Karl Environmental Group different?

Karl Environmental Group maintains a highly trained and certified team to visually inspect for the presence of suspect asbestos containing materials (ACM), mold growth, and lead-based paint (LBP). If suspect materials or conditions are encountered, Karl Environmental Group has the capabilities to sample, and upon confirmation of the sample, remediate the materials of concern from the property.

What is involved in a Subsurface Investigation?

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Subsurface investigations are performed to gain insight into of the physical properties of the soil and rock in a given area. Prior to an investigation, Karl Environmental Group staff geologists obtain historic geologic background information of the area. Once an understanding is reached upon the geological nature of the area, Karl Environmental Group will excavate trenches or perform soil borings in order to characterize the subsurface soil conditions.

Karl Environmental Group can also perform percolation tests at specific soil elevations to obtain an understanding of how efficiently and in what direction the water-flow drains in a given area.

What is Vapor Migration and Intrusion?

Vapor Migration and Intrusion can occur when vapors from contaminated soil or groundwater migrate into overlying structures and buildings, thereby impacting the breathable indoor air.

Karl Environmental Group is experienced in investigating the vapor migration and intrusion of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) such as Trichloroethylene (TCE), Methane (CH4), and benzene. The investigation of vapor intrusion involves onsite air monitoring of indoor structures, soil characterization and sampling, soil gas sampling, and groundwater and surface water sampling. Following laboratory analysis of samples, Karl Environmental Group can narrow down the potential location of the contamination source and begin the remediation processes.

What Now?

Karl Environmental Group is ready to assist you with your next project. Please Contact Us to provide you with a quotation for environmental due diligence services.

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