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OSHA Safety Audits

illustration of workers moving items around a clipboard, osha safety audits

Depending on what industry you reside in, there are various dangers to watch out for. The proper procedures can ensure Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) compliance, as well as protect employees. Although there may not be a legal requirement to proceed with OSHA safety audits, it’s crucial to prevent injury or damage in the long run. In the event that your business needs one, there are many third-party companies who can provide an effective assessment.

Why It Pays To Have A Third Party Company Review Your Safety Measures For Compliance

A third-party that focuses on safety audits will be able to review the most fundamental areas of improvement. Their main goal will involve the possibility of identifying major safety violations and discussing what changes your company can make to meet compliance requirements. Safety audits are feasible for many companies, no matter the size or industry they operate in. Continuing on, we can highlight some of the most common benefits when hiring a third-party company.

The most worthwhile benefit is ensuring that your assessment is conducted by a professional company who understands the ins and outs of OSHA compliance. A third-party will provide a credible report without any favoritism towards one side or the other. Their team will have background knowledge behind OSHA standards and regulations, letting them target specific areas where violations could occur.

Similarly, with a third-party that understands the industry, you can be assured your company meets compliance regulations and minimizes overall risk. OSHA safety standards continue to change over the course of time and as industry evolves. This makes it hard to keep up with the dynamic environment. As changes occur, some areas of your business may need to be improved more than others. To minimize risk, a third-party will be able to categorize priority and recommend the most appropriate updates to your facility or operations. This allows you to focus on continuous improvement which will accumulate to a major leap through time.

Most importantly, another advantage to safety compliance audits is a reduction in injuries. This helps to reduce workmen’s comp increases, which is very beneficial when it comes to the bottom line for business owners.

Improve your business with better compliance

Ultimately, even if you don’t think your business needs one, OSHA safety audits are always a positive decision. In many cases, an issue isn’t recognized until someone gets injured or the penalty is already established. A safety audit can help avoid both of these! To learn more, contact us by phone, email, or by filling out the form on our website. We’re more than happy to help.

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