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Dangers To Watch Out For With Home Remodeling

bucket of white paint with paintbrush sitting on top

If you want a change of pace, remodeling your home is a great option that provides a variety of ideas to flourish. From expanding your living space to increasing the resale value if you ever move, there’s plenty of reasons not to try it! We wanted to cover some of the hidden dangers that could be lurking around the corner when remodeling. You can run into a plethora of problems that might halt your progress.


One of the most common problems that homeowners face all over the country is mold. Mold thrives in areas that experience high moisture levels, such as the attic and basement. There’s no telling where you’ll find it! It can grow on an assortment of surfaces, so never ignore the warning signs. That includes cold-like symptoms such as a stuffed nose, fatigue, and more. If you experience these symptoms or more during a home remodeling project, take a closer look.


Another issue that plagues older homes is asbestos. It was used heavily in homes and buildings built before the 1980s. It’s used as an insulator that may be found in dozens of places, from the ceiling to under your floorboards. When remodeling your home, it’s necessary to take the utmost precautions with the right equipment and protective gear. Even small amounts of asbestos exposure can lead to major lung damage, which comes with symptoms such as chest pain, dry coughs, and more.

Lead Paint

If you’re remodeling a home that was built before 1978, there is a chance it may have lead paint. Before you start the remodeling process, you should consider having a lead inspector come out and test. While you could do the swab test yourself, keep in mind that the swab test only hits the surface, whereas a lead inspector will test with an XRF machine, which examines down to the substrate. Give us a call if you would like to have your home tested for lead paint before you start remodeling.

Utility Issues

One last problem to note is utility issues. Avoid remodeling dangerous areas of your home that include electrical lines, pipes, and more. Contact a professional for an evaluation first.

If you’re interested in remodeling your home, we recommend taking a look around it and in sensitive areas before proceeding. If you run into some of the problems listed, contact us as soon as possible and we can discuss your options! We provide a variety of testing and consulting services for you to utilize. We hope your next remodeling project is everything you dreamed it would be!

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