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All About RRP Training and Certification

taping up a caution lead hazard sign to keep people out

If you work in a field that deals with lead-based materials, you’ll need some sort of training for the lead renovator, repair, and painting rule (RRP). Proper RRP training and certification is required to avoid unnecessary fines and to ensure your organization understands the correct procedures when dealing with lead-based paint. Here at Karl Environmental Group, we provide classes and certification for individuals in the Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey area.

Millions of buildings around the United States still contain lead-based paint, even after their initial banning around 1978. Unfortunately, they were used in various types of facilities such as childcare centers, schools, and the like. RRP training is required by any firm that wants to conduct a project involving lead-based materials. Some firms that might come into contact with lead-based material include general contractors, plumbers, property owners, and more. If the project can expose your team to lead substances, certifications and training are unavoidable and can help protect yourself and coworkers. All lead RRP projects require a Certified Lead Renovator, and the Firm must be Certified.

Our training courses cover a wide range of topics and procedures related to lead materials and why they’re important to know. You’ll be notified of the legal regulations surrounding lead material, how to handle lead material when in close contact with them, how to train noncertified renovation workers, and be informed about other lead-related topics.

Without training and certification, you can face hefty legal punishments for your firm. In some cases, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is fining individuals $37,500 and higher for each violation backed without certification. Training is crucial for protecting your team and preventing unnecessary health hazards. A few symptoms of lead exposure in adults include headache, hearing loss, vomiting, seizures, and worse.

Are you still in need of RRP training and certification? If so, don’t hesitate to contact us! We’re an accredited EPA training provider and our lead renovator certification is valid for up to five years. We also have online refresher courses if those fit your schedule better. Book your training date today!

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